Thursday 22 December 2016

A day in office- Claire (Administrator)

When I first applied for a position as an administrator at Bluebird Care, I thought that it would be exactly what it said on the tin - Administering work within the office. This is true, but I quickly learnt that it is also far more...

Working for Bluebird Care is, in any capacity all about the care, first and foremost. I soon learnt that whatever your role, you are there to help deliver the best care. Every part of my day is really working towards helping to achieve these goals. It's not just about task completion, or ticking boxes, it's about ensuring that there is a smooth, conscientious, caring approach, with customers and also carers.

I was slightly naive to begin, I think I underestimated just how hardworking our carers are. I soon began to realise that they put in huge amounts of time and hours daily. They are extremely dedicated, and really do have such solid relationships with their customers. They go above and beyond on so many occasions and as obvious as it sounds - They do care!

I have always prided myself on being a caring person too, and so I try to look after all customers over the telephone, via email or face to face. I had the pleasure of attending a lovely Christmas-themed activity day a couple of weeks ago and was able to put faces to so many names and voices. It was so rewarding, sitting and talking to these customers, making tea, playing bingo with them. I could see by just looking around that the carers there had such a rapport with people. I felt touched by the whole event, seeing plenty of smiles.

I have to say that I feel very privileged to work within such a team, and for such a company.

You can aim to achieve the minimum standards, or you can go that extra mile and give people something to remember. These little touches go such a long way. To us, they may seem tiny gestures, but to customers, they truly mean so much.
Sending birthday cards, having a fish and chip supper celebrating a customer's birthday so they are not on their own, visiting them in hospital with flowers out of your own time and money...these are just a few things that I have seen and heard of and thought "Wow", that makes me proud.

Perception of a care company prior to working for Bluebird... auto pilot visits, task completions.

And now? Caring, dedicated, hardworking... there are not enough words. 


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